Which do you prefer- boiled and fried crab cakes?
Have you ever tried fried crab cakes? Maryland crab cakes are almost always broiled, and the majority of Marylanders like it that way! While we’re known for our broiled crab cakes at Box Hill, we also make old-school fried crab cakes for anyone who wants to try something different. Learn more about broiled and fried crab cakes, and come on into Box Hill to try both options!
Broiled crab cakes are classic, and are what most people expect when they order a crab cake in Maryland. Broiling allows the flavor and texture of the lump blue crab meat to shine through. When broiling a crab cake, it’s crucial not to flip it, as crab cakes are delicate and flipping them over may cause them to break apart. The broiler also gives crab cakes that perfect golden color we all look for, with a crisp and caramelized top.
Fried crab cakes are also delicious and flavorful, and are a great alternative for anyone wanting to try something other than broiled cakes. They can be pan-fried in about ½ inch of hot cooking oil, (we use vegetable oil at Box Hill,) or deep-fried with 375-degree oil.
History Of Maryland Crab Cakes
Maryland crab cakes have been a favorite for residents of the state since colonial times. During the early 19th century, crab cake recipes started to grow in popularity with seafood lovers everywhere. Many of these crab cake recipes used bread crumbs and a few spices, and some were pan-fried. However, it wasn’t until the early 20th century that the name “crab cake” was born.
Marylanders have been eating crab cakes for as long as they can remember, as most families have their own memories of eating crab cakes every week. Many people also hold their crab cake recipes close to their heart, and have kept the same recipe in the family for years- including Box Hill’s secret family recipe! While everyone has their own way of preparing traditional Maryland crab cakes, the recipes have not changed much since colonial times. And today, getting quality crab cakes is easier than ever! With the click of a mouse, you can now order your crab cakes online from Box Hill, delivered anywhere in the United States.
It’s Always the Right Time for Box Hill
We are located in Abingdon, Maryland, and our crab cakes are available year-round! If you ever have any questions or comments about Box Hill or our Maryland crab cakes, use our contact form here.
Box Hill Crab Cakes is your source for the freshest, most authentic Maryland crab cakes—and we’ll ship them to your door! Our top-secret family recipe has been fine-tuned for decades, and we guarantee you will love them. Visit us online to place your order or give us a call at 410-515-3662. Want to get recipe ideas, updates, and information on sales? Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Trip Advisor, YouTube, and Twitter.
Order Today!Tags: Box Hill Crabcakes, Maryland crab cakes, world-famous crab cakes