Check out our list of healthy spring vegetables to pair with crab cakes!
Crab cakes are great between burger buns, with eggs, or served by themselves with any array of sides. As the health benefits of crabs are vast, many people enjoy paring them with fresh vegetables that bring light flavor and added health benefits to the meal. This is especially true in the warmer seasons as more people enjoy keeping their meals and diets lighter. If you’re looking for ideas for healthy spring vegetables to pair with your crab cakes, check out the delicious options in this list.
The peak season for asparagus runs between April and May. It’s a vegetable that’s easy to prepare and tastes great with many different flavor profiles. Asparagus provides vitamin K for bone health and folate for a healthy cardiovascular system. Try it with a steamed, grilled, or oven roasted preparation.
Avocado has been rapidly gaining popularity with its many preparations and uses as an ingredient in other recipes. Many people enjoy the taste so much that they simply eat it with a spoon. As a side dish for your crab cakes, you can slice it up with salt and lemon juice or use it on a sandwich. Avocado provides folate and carotenoids.
Artichoke provides a high amount of fiber, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and other essential minerals. You can prepare them by grilling, boiling, or steaming. They’ll add a sweet, nutty flavor to any dish.
Spring is the perfect time of year to prepare and serve fennel with your crab cakes as it’s only offered in the spring. The health benefits of fennel include reduced inflammation from the combination of the flavonoids rutin, quercetin, and kaempferol glycosides.
Mustard Greens
Incorporate mustard greens into a side salad alongside your crab cakes or as a side dish on their own. They offer the health benefits of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, and magnesium. The greens have a distinct taste of pepper.
Radishes are a great antioxidant. They are also a great source of potassium and vitamin C. Cook them in a skillet with butter and simply season with salt and pepper. They are known for bringing the heat as they are present in mustard and wasabi.
It’s Always the Right Time for Box Hill!
We are located in Abingdon, Maryland, and our crab cakes are available year-round! If you ever have any questions or comments about Box Hill or our Maryland crab cakes, use our contact form here.
Box Hill Crab Cakes is your source for the freshest, most authentic Maryland crab cakes—and we’ll ship them to your door! Our top-secret family recipe has been fine-tuned for decades, and we guarantee you will love them. Visit us online to place your order or give us a call at 410-515-3662. Want to get recipe ideas, updates, and information on sales? Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Trip Advisor, YouTube, and Twitter.
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